Re-advertisement- Technical Officer (Environment and Monitoring)

Re-advertisement- TechnicalOfficer(Environment and Monitoring)



Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF), is re-advertising job opportunities due to an insufficient  elligible candidate's appearence in the examination conducted for the recruitment of the position of Technical Officer (Environment and Monitoring) under the intervention “Resilient Homestead and Livelihood Support to the Vulnerable Coastal People of Bangladesh” supported by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and PKSF.Therefore, NGF encourages the probable candidate having the describe qualification mentioned in the ToR to apply for the re-advertised position.

Basic Information for the position:









ShyamnagarUpazilaofSatkhiraDistrict,withatleast60%of the time spent on field visits in the project areas






Initially for one year with the possibility of annual renewal upto project periods.




Age Limit





Minimum 5 years with at least 2 years of professional experience in Environmental managemen tactivities in climate

change adaptation/mitigationprograms.

Application Procedure:

Interested Candidates are requested to send their CV with a cover letter addressing the Executive Director, Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF), Nowabenki, Shyamnagar, Satkhira. OR send your CV with a cover letter to the given email:

*Applications should have a detailed CV including a contact cell phone number and two referees.

* A recent Photograph must be enclosed with the CV

* Only short-listed candidates will be called for written and viva examinations.

Candidate must mention the name of the post on the envelop and the cover letter clearly.

Application Deadline: 09 April, 2024

Only a short listed candidate will be called for the examination  wich will be held on 15 April 2024.


Term of Reference(ToR)for

The Position of Technical Officer (Environment and Monitoring) under ResilientHomesteadandLivelihoodSupporttotheVulnerableCoastalPeopleof Bangladesh (RHL) Project










ShyamnagarUpazilaofSatkhiraDistrict,withatleast60%of the time spent on field visits in the project areas






Initially for one year with the possibility of annual renewal upto project periods.




Age Limit







  1. Backgroundoftheproject

Bangladesh's coastal zone's geographical location and low elevation make it vulnerable to disasters and climate change poses a new challenge to the lives and livelihoods in the coastal region. The vulnerability of these coastal people can be defined in three ways: climate-sensitive livelihoods, vulnerable settlements in low-lying areas, and scarcity of safe drinking water.Many coastal residents depend on seasonal subsistence agriculture and agriculture wage labor, which are highly climate-sensitive. Moreover, many coastal inhabitants live in houses built of mud and plants severely affected by cyclones, storm surges, and high tides. The lack of climate-resilient housing poses a serious poverty trap as significant portions of the incomes of coastal communities go towards house repairs. Under this circumstance, to develop a climate-adaptive coastal community in Bangladeshbyadoptingclimate-resilienthousingandlivelihoodtechnologies,theGreen Climate Fund (GCF) under the United Nations Framework Convention of ClimateChange (UNFCCC) approved “Resilient Homestead and Livelihood Support to the Vulnerable Coastal People of Bangladesh (RHL),” a five-year project (from September 2023 to August 2028). The project has chosen seven exposed coastal districts, namely Khulna, Bagerhat, Satkhira, Barguna, Patuakhali, Bhola, and Cox’s Bazar, which are particularlyvulnerabletosealevelrise,salinityintrusion,coastalflooding,cyclones,and storm surges due to their geographical position (for details about PKSF, please visit The primary goal of the RHL project is to enhance the climate resilience of the vulnerable coastal communities of Bangladesh. PKSF will implement the project (for details about PKSF, please visit its Partner Organizations (known as implementing Entities for this Project) as a Direct Access Entity (DAE) of GCF.

Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF) the Partner Organization of PKSF will implement the RHL project in Shyamnagar, Satkhira as an Implementing Entity (IE) of the RHL Project. For implementing the Project, Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF) is seeking qualified candidates for the "Technical Officer (Environment and Monitoring)” post for its Project Management Unit (PMU).



  • AssistthePCinplanning,monitoring,andsupervisingtheimplementationof project activities.
  • EstablishandmonitortheSocialandEnvironmentalManagementPlanforthe project activities.
  • EstablishandmonitortheComplainHandlingMechanismintheprojectarea.
  • PrepareenvironmentaldisclosureforeachactivityaccordingtotheGCF guideline
  • Developand implementarobustmonitoringand evaluation(M&E)systemfor the project, including data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  • Conductregularfieldvisitstomonitorprojectprogress,assessresults,andidentify any challenges or deviations.
  • Collectandmanagedatarelatedtoprojectactivities,outcomes,andindicators.
  • PrepareregularprogressreportsandotherM&EreportsforthePC,IEandPKSF.
  • LiaisewithpartnerNGOs,governmentagencies,andlocalcommunitiesto facilitate data collection and ensure project compliance.
  • Assistinconductingbaselinesurveys,interimperiodsurveysandimpact assessments to measure project effectiveness.
  • Provide technical support to the Community Mobilizer Officer on M&E and data collection methods.


  • Organizeandparticipateintrainingsonclimatechangeandenvironmentalissues for project stakeholders.
  • AssistthePCinensuringqualityandtimelycompletionofprojectdeliverables.
  • Performanyother dutiesassignedbyPKSF&IEManagement.



  • Education: Master's degree in Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering, Geography, Development Studies, Disaster Management, Natural Resource Management, GIS and Remote Sensing, Coastal Engineering or any other relevant discipline along with 4 year’s Bachelor’ degree in Environmental Science from a UGC-approved university.
  • Having 3rddivision/class/equivalent CGPA in any examination will incur ineligibility.
  • Agelimit:Maximum40 years.
    • Experience: Minimum 5 years with at least 2 years of professional experience in Environmental management activities in climate change adaptation/mitigation programs.Experienceinclimatechangeadaptationormitigationprojectsfunded by PKSF or GCF will get preference. Experience in working M&E system will bean asset.
    • Work experience with government agencies, partner organizations of PKSF, international development partners, and coastal communities in Bangladesh isan asset.


  • Provenexperienceinteamleadership,communication,
    • KnowledgeorexpertiseinESMP,GRM,SECAP,SMF,EMF,RBMwillbeanasset.
    • Excellentanalytical,reporting,andpresentationskills.
    • Basicunderstandingofclimate-smartagriculture,climatechangeadaptation,and mitigation approach.
    • ExpertiseonSTATA,SPSSetc.statisticalanalysistools.
    • NeedstohaveexpertiseinMSOfficeWord,MSOfficeExcel,andMSOffice PowerPoint.
    • FamiliaritywithKoboToolboxandGISwillbea valuableasset.
    • FluencyinEnglishandBengalilanguagesisessential.
    • Musthaveavalidmotorcycledrivinglicense.



  • Grosssalary(monthly):BDT55,000/-
  • Religiousfestivalbonus(yearly):100%ofamonthlygrosssalary.
  • BanglaNewYearallowance(yearly):10%ofa monthlygrosssalary.
  • Phonebillallowance(monthly):BDT700/-
  • Otherallowance(monthly):BDT9,000/-permonthformotorcyclerent,fuel, and maintenance.

Re-advertisement-Project Coordinator

Re-advertisement-Project Coordinator



Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF), is re-advertising job opportunities due to an insufficient  applicant pool accumulated in response to the previous announcement for the position of Project Coordinator under the intervention “Resilient Homestead and Livelihood Support to the Vulnerable Coastal People of Bangladesh” supported by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and PKSF.Therefore, NGF encourages the candidate within the organization who are interested to apply for the position if the individuals  match the advertised-criteria entailed in the ToR to apply for the re-advertised position.

Basic Information for the position:

Titleof the Position


Project Coordinator (PC)

Number of Position





Shyamnagar Upazila of Satkhira District, with at least 60% of the time spent on field visits in the project areas

Report to


Project Focal Person at the IEs Head Office

Duration of the Position


Initially for one year with the possibility of annual renewal up to project periods.

Salary (Gross)


Monthly BDT 60,000/- and other admissible benefits

Age Limit


Maximum 45 years



Minimum7 years with at least 3 years of professional project management experience in the field of climate change adaptation/mitigation.

Application Procedure:

Interested Candidates are requested to send their CV with a cover letter addressing the Executive Director, Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF), Nowabenki, Shyamnagar, Satkhira. OR send your CV with a cover letter to the given email:

*Applications should have a detailed CV including a contact cell phone number and two referees.

* A recent Photograph must be enclosed with the CV

* Only short-listed candidates will be called for written and viva examinations.

Candidate must mention the name of the post on the envelop and the cover letter clearly.

Application Deadline: 03 April, 2024


Term of Reference (ToR) for

The Position of Project Coordinator (PC) under

Resilient Homestead and Livelihood Support to the Vulnerable Coastal People of Bangladesh (RHL) Project

1. Basic Information

Titleof the Position


Project Coordinator (PC)

Number of Position





Shyamnagar Upazila of Satkhira District, with at least 60% of the time spent on field visits in the project areas

Report to


Project Focal Person at the IEs Head Office

Duration of the Position


Initially for one year with the possibility of annual renewal up to project periods.

Salary (Gross)


Monthly BDT 60,000/- and other admissible benefits

Age Limit


Maximum 45 years



Minimum7 years with at least 3 years of professional project management experience in the field of climate change adaptation/mitigation.


2. Background of the project

Bangladesh's coastal zone's geographical location and low elevation make it vulnerable to disasters and climate change poses a new challenge to the lives and livelihoods in the coastal region. The vulnerability of these coastal people can be defined in three ways: climate-sensitive livelihoods, vulnerable settlements in low-lying areas, and scarcity of safe drinking water. Many coastal residents depend on seasonal subsistence agriculture and agriculture wage labor, which are highly climate-sensitive. Moreover, many coastal inhabitants live in houses built of mud and plants severely affected by cyclones, storm surges, and high tides. The lack of climate-resilient housing poses a serious poverty trap as significant portions of the incomes of coastal communities go towards house repairs. Under this circumstance, to develop a climate-adaptive coastal community in Bangladesh by adopting climate-resilient housing and livelihood technologies, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) under the United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) approved “Resilient Homestead and Livelihood Support to the Vulnerable Coastal People of Bangladesh (RHL),” a five-year project (from September 2023 to August 2028).The project has chosen seven exposed coastal districts, namely Khulna, Bagerhat, Satkhira, Barguna, Patuakhali, Bhola, and Cox’s Bazar, which are particularly vulnerable to sea level rise, salinity intrusion, coastal flooding, cyclones, and storm surges due to their geographical position (for details about PKSF, please visit primary goal of the RHL project is to enhance the climate resilience of the vulnerable coastal communities of Bangladesh. PKSF will implement the project (for details about PKSF, please visit its Partner Organizations (known as implementing Entities for this Project) as a Direct Access Entity (DAE) of GCF.


Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF) the Partner Organization of PKSF will implement the RHL project in Shyamnagar, Satkhira as an Implementing Entity (IE) of the RHL Project. For implementing the Project, Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF)is seeking qualified candidates for the "Project Coordinator” post for its Project Management Unit (PMU).


3. Key Responsibilities:

  • Provide overall leadership and management for the RHL project implementation.
  • Prepare project work plan, ensuring efficiency and overseeing the performance of the IE-PMU team and actively coordinate with other team members to implement the project activities and strengthen the Climate Change Adaptation Group (CCAG) sustainably.
  • Ensure the quality of activity implementation and establish good communication with the project beneficiaries as well as CCAG.
  • Monitor progress against the project's logical framework.
  • Identifying challenges and addressing possible measures.
  • Ensure efficient coordination with PKSF & IE Management, like-minded organizations, and other stakeholders.
  • Liaise with relevant government agencies and local communities to facilitate project implementation.
  • Prepare and submit regular progress reports, financial reports, and other required documents.
  • Organize knowledge-sharing events, exposure visits, meetings, workshops, seminars, etc., and represent project and project activities efficiently.
  • Manage project budget and ensure sound financial management practices.
  • Identify and implement strategies to ensure project sustainability beyond the project period.
  • Perform any other duties assigned by PKSF & IE Management.


4. Education, Age and Experience:

  • Education: Master's degree in any subject from a UGC-approved university. Preference will be given to the candidate having a science background in bachelor/honors and masters level.
  • A professional/advanced degree in Project Management will be preferred.
  • Having 3rd division/class/equivalent CGPA in any examination will incur ineligibility.
  • Age limit: Maximum 45 years.
  • Experience: Minimum 7 years with at least 3 years of professional project management experience in the field of climate change adaptation/mitigation.  Experience in climate change adaptation or mitigation projects funded by PKSF or GCF will get preference.
  • Work experience with government agencies, partner organizations of PKSF, international development partners, and coastal communities in Bangladesh is an asset.


5. Other Qualifications:

  • Proven experience in team leadership, communication, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Excellent analytical, reporting, and presentation skills.
  • Strong understanding of project management methodologies and principles.
  • Needs to have expertise in MS Office Word, MS Office Excel, and MS Office PowerPoint.
  • Familiarity with KoboToolbox and GIS will be a valuable asset.
  • Fluency in English and Bengali languages is essential.
  • Must have a valid motorcycle driving license.


6. Salary and other admissible benefits.  

  • Gross salary (monthly): BDT 60,000/-
  • Religious festival bonus (yearly): 100% of a monthly gross salary.
  • Bangla New Year allowance (yearly): 10% of a monthly gross salary.
  • Phone bill allowance (monthly): BDT 800/-
  • Other allowance (monthly): BDT 9,000/- per month for motorcycle rent, fuel, and maintenance.

Job Opportunity

Job Opportunity

Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF)announces job opportunities for the below positions under the intervention “Resilient Homestead and Livelihood Support to the Vulnerable Coastal People of Bangladesh” supported by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and PKSF.

Sl No.

Name of the Position

Educational Qualification





Project Coordinator (PC)

Master's degree in any subject from a UGC-approved university

7 years

BDT. 60,000



Admin and Accounts Officer

Bachelor’s degree in Accounts/Finance/Business Administration

5 years

BDT. 45,000



Technical Officer (Environment and Monitoring)

Master's degree in Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering, or any other relevant discipline along with 4 year’s Bachelor’ degree in Environmental Science

Minimum 5 years with at least 2 years of professional experience in Environmental management activities

BDT. 55,000



Technical Officer (Aquaculture)

Master's degree in Aquaculture, Fisheries Technology or any other relevant subject along with 4 year’s Bachelor’ degree in Fisheries

Minimum 5 years with at least 3 years of professional

BDT. 55,000



Community Development Officer (Civil)

Minimum Diploma in Civil Engineering degree

3 years

BDT. 40,000



Community Mobilization Officer (Agriculture)

Minimum Diploma in Agriculture degree

3 years

BDT. 30,000



Community Mobilization Officer (Fisheries)

Minimum Diploma in Fisheries degree

3 years

BDT. 30,000



Community Mobilization Officer (Livestock)

Minimum Diploma in Livestock degree

3 years

BDT. 30,000



Community Mobilization Officer (Forestry)

Minimum Diploma in Forestry degree.

2 years

BDT. 30,000



Application Procedure:

Interested Candidates are requested to send their CV with a cover letter addressing the Executive Director, Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF), Nowabenki, Shyamnagar, Satkhira. OR send your CV with a cover letter to the given email:

*Applications should have a detailed CV including a contact cell phone number and two referees.

* A recent Photograph must be enclosed with the CV

* Only short-listed candidates will be called for written and viva examination.

*Written and viva examinations will be held on March 30, 2024

*For the position of 1-4; the candidates who worked previously in NGF will be given priority

Application Dead line: March 25, 2024

Please find the Terms of References (ToR) here: 



Re-advertisement- Community Mobilization Officer (Livestock)

Job Opportunity



Re-advertisement- Community Mobilization Officer (Livestock)




Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF), is re-advertising job opportunities for the position of Community Mobilization Officer(Livestock) due to insufficient qualified candidatesunder the intervention “Resilient Homestead and Livelihood Support to the Vulnerable Coastal People of Bangladesh” supported by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and PKSF. Therefore, NGF encourages the interested candidates having the described qualifications mentioned in the ToR to apply for the re-advertised position.

  Basic Information

Titleof the Position


Community Mobilization Officer (Livestock)

Number of Position


Not specific



Shyamnagar Upazila of Satkhira District, with at least 80% of the time spent on field visits in the project areas

Report to


Project Coordinator (PC)

Duration of the Position


Initially for one year with the possibility of annual renewal up to project periods.

Salary (Gross)


Monthly BDT 30,000/- and other admissible benefits

Age Limit


Maximum 35 years



Minimum3 years with 2 years of professional experience in the field of climate change adaptation/mitigation, livestock extension is preferable.

Application Procedure:

Interested Candidates are requested to send their CV with a cover letter before 15 April, 2024, addressing the Executive Director, Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF), Nowabenki, Shyamnagar, Satkhira. OR send your CV with a cover letter to the given email:

*Applications should have a detailed CV including a contact cell phone number and two referees.

* A recent Photograph must be enclosed with the CV

Application Deadline: 15 April, 2024

Only short-listed candidates will be called for written and viva examinations