Global Estimates 2015; People displaced by disasters
NGF’s contribution towards climate displacement solutions in Bangladesh:
NGF has been working since 2012 for monitoring internal and cross-border climate migration. NGF has established contacts in climate vulnerable hotspots across the country and significantly contributed for the development of the Bangladesh Chapter of the Global Estimate on disaster-driven internal displacement for 2015, published by IDMC which is a part of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), an independent, non-governmental humanitarian organization. The report is available in the following link:
NGF is currently registering climate refugees in Khulna City Corporation and Adjacent Areas. It has been found that there are climate refugees from 84 Upazilas where Koyra Upazila (Khulna) has sent the highest 32% followed by Dacope Upazila (Khulna) 13% and Morrelganj Upazila (Bagerhat) 7%. Customized reports are available on request.