Cyclone Remal

Reducing the Impacts of Cyclone on Vulnerable People through Anticipatory Actions (RICAAP) - in Satkhira District in of BANGLADESH, Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF) provided crucial support to the people affected by Cyclone Remal in Sathkira, Atulia Union.


Activities done by NGF

The support included emergency relief aid such as-

1.       Each of the 115 people were given cash of 5 thousand taka.

2.       Each of the 120 people were given food (Muri 2 kg, Sugar 1 kg, Chira 1 kg) and hygiene kits (5 soaps, 2 buckets, 2 mugs, 5 packets of sanitary napkins, 12 candles, 5 lighters, 10 packets of ORS)

3.       Each of the 28 people is given food (Muri 2 kg, Sugar 1 kg, Chira 1 kg)

4.       10 liters of clean water is provided to each of the 350 people


NGF Support

A significant number of people were assisted by NGF's efforts, who were displaced or had their homes damaged by the cyclone. The support provided by NGF helped alleviate the immediate needs of the affected population and offered a sense of hope and relief during a difficult time.

NGF's response to Cyclone Remal in Sathkira Atulia Union had a notable impact on the community, helping them rebuild their lives and recover from the devastation caused by the cyclone. The support provided by NGF not only addressed the immediate needs of the affected population but also helped them in the long-term recovery process.

Overall, NGF's efforts in providing support to the people affected by Cyclone Remal in Sathkira Atulia Union showcased their commitment to humanitarian aid and their dedication to helping those in need during times of crisis.